Sunday, March 20, 2016

Crucifixion Redux

 " All who see me scoff at me; they mock me with parted lips, they wag their heads; 'He relied on the Lord; let Him deliver Him, let Him rescue Him if He loves Him.' Indeed, many dogs surround me, a pack of evil doers closes in upon me; they have pierced my hands and feet; I can count all my bones. They divide my garments among them, and for my vesture, they cast lots. But You, O Lord, be not far from me; O my help, hasten aid to me." -- [Psalm 22].

Growing up in a non-believing family, these "wags" were my family members. They mocked Christians for being helpless, worthless people who have no innate abilities to do anything without God, pitiful children who are inept and weak. But, also hypocrites, who were "holier than thou", the greatest sinners who were nevertheless claiming to be God's Chosen.

Somehow, even as a child, I knew that these were all lies. Each time a family member called wealth "The Almighty Dollar". Each time a family member worshipped Human Achievement, forgetting the role of God in all things. Each time a family member claimed that he was superior to the poor, to people of color, immigrants, the lost and forsaken. Each time a family member said, 'If they believe so much in God, let God rescue those people who think God is so powerful'. Each time a family member uttered "D@&N", and I knew, just knew that he was cursing God. Each time that these happened, I shrank away, winced and sucked my breath in.

I was always called "too sensitive".  They shook their heads. They were scoffing at me. That bewildered me.  A Wise Woman once asked me how I knew, as a child, that my family was so wrong? I stammered and said to her, 'A child does not want Hate. All she wants is Love.'

We think that we are so modern and so very evolved today. We think, 'The Crucifixion could not happen again today.' We think that we have come so far beyond that.

But, when persecute and punish Christians, we are doing the very same to Jesus! And so, my feelings of shock and dismay at how my family spoke -- that was my Spirit, if you will, protesting against their mockery.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, "Sinners were the authors and the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured. Since our sins made the Lord Christ suffer the torment of the cross, those who plunge themselves into disorders and crimes crucify the Son of God anew in their hearts (for He is in them) and [they] hold Him up to contempt."

Each act and attitude of Sin makes a mockery of Jesus' Crucifixion. Each Sin crucifies Jesus anew.

In Jesus' times, the Romans hung Christians from crosses, and left them there until only their bones remained. So many Christians were crucified, the Romans ran out of crosses. Then, the Christians were nailed to the city walls. Christians were wrapped in animal skins and thrown to wild dogs. They were also burned at the stake; their charred bodies utilized as nighttime torches.

IF these descriptions of Christian persecution do not shock us to our very souls, they should. . . .

We believe we are so much better today. . . But we must today confront the ugly beheadings and caged drownings and torchings, of those who dare to call themselves Christian.

We may argue that these persecutions are still fairly rare around the globe.

But what passes today for "ordinary politics" spews so much harsh venom, that is antithetical to all Christian belief --- vehement anti-immigrant rhetoric; racism; mysogny (hatred of women); unjust war; torture; unfaithful marriages; greedy materialism; rejection of the poor and ill and hungry; abuse of children; killing of the unborn; corruption; bribery; labor as harsh as slavery. These are touted as worthwhile political policies.

 Anti Immigration policies are touted as Homeland Security.
Racism is cast as "Let them find a way to empower themselves, but not in my town."
Mysogny is cast as "just joking".
War is praised as "Might makes Right."
Unfaithful marriage is praised as an "open marriage."
Materialism is exalted as "the virtues of unbridled capitalism."
Rejection of the poor is explained as "meritocracy".
Abortion is called "pro-choice".
Corruption is called " just taking what I deserve."
Labor as harsh as slavery is called "moving production off-shore."

With each of these, as we destroy Jesus' message, we crucify Him all over again.

We call Palm Sunday, "The Passion", from the Latin patior, or "suffering".  Jesus suffered FOR us, so that we would finally understand the true price of our Sin.

If we sin cavalierly, as if might makes right, as if nothing matters as long as we can get away with it -- THEN, Palm Sunday is an empty spring ritual. And, Easter is about the fairy tale world of bunnies and candy baskets. And then tragically, Jesus would have died for nothing.

(c) Spiritual Devotional 2106. All Rights Reserved.

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