Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Mr. President

January 21, 2013 is Inauguration Day for President Obama.

Here is a letter, from an American citizen, to the President:

" Dear Mr. President:

Congratulations to you, President Barack Obama, for entering a second term. These are a few of the things that I hope to be changed:

1) I want the soldiers in Afghanistan to come home.

2) I want a safe biofuel, instead of gasoline.

3) I want people to have good jobs, that pay a decent paycheck.

4) I want factories to stop dumping waste into rivers, because I heard people get cancer from drinking contaminated water.

5) I want schools to be safer. Especially, to not have padded cells to put kids into when they misbehave.

6) In some parts of the world, the government does not want girls to go to school. Everyone should get a good education.

7) I want people to stop hunting Tigers, which are an endangered species.

8) In some places like Egypt, corruption is taking over the President and making him even more greedy.

9) In a factory [in Bangladesh], there was a fire and the boss said to the workers to go back to work!

10) In some states, marijuana is becoming illegal. It should stay illegal.


An American citizen,
12 years old

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