Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hate = Murder

Jesus said, " You have heard it said long ago: 'Do not murder'. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment." [Matthew 5: 21]

We all remember the Ten Commandments from Sunday school or Catechism class. We think, this is pretty easy. I'm a good person, I would never think of killing anyone! Or cheating on my spouse. Or carrying out a gigantic lie such as a fraud. These standards are pretty low, hunh?

In this Scripture, Jesus says, He is not abolishing these Commandments, He is "fulfilling" them. Uh oh! Now I am getting a bit wary when we start talking fulfillment. Suddenly, I am afraid that things are going to get a lot harder.

Okay, so Jesus IS upping the ante. He repeats the Commandment, Do not murder. Then he equates being angry against one's brother with murder. In other words, anger is murder in your heart!

Now I am not so sure about my place in Heaven! I used to think that I was in good graces because I was not estranged  from my brother. I said Merry Christmas to him and sent him a gift, right? I never yelled at him or even tried to give him unsolicited advice!

I have lately tried harder, like talking to him, really talking about the past misunderstandings or even the hurts. That's progress.

But then I came across Psalm 50: "Do you speak against your brother, the son of your mother? Do you think I do not hear you?" Oh, boy, now I am in trouble!  I used to think that if someone behaved badly, then they deserved for the world to hear how evil they were!

I can see, Lord, that I have a lot more work to do. Truly loving my enemies means forgiving them. Love IS forgiveness! It cannot mean merely acting polite and wishing the anger away. And it can never include being so mean as to gossip about others' sins and frailties!

Forgive me, Lord, in my unforgiveness!

(c) The Spiritual Devotional 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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