Wednesday, June 22, 2011


"The little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' " [Matthew 18: 14].

Finally. . . . it is summer.  I remember as a child, on the last day of school, reveling in that exuberant feeling of freedom!  I ran all the way home from school. I knew that I could sleep late every day, and on a hot day, read books under the towering maple tree in my yard. At night, I could look at the fireflies with amazement and wonder how in the world they got those little lanterns inside them?

We had no air conditioning in those days. My mother would make ices out of fruit juice. I would swing as high as I could on our backyard swing, just so I could feel a breeze blowing through my hair. I thought it was absolutely awesome that my mother put away the oatmeal and served us cold cereal for breakfast.

Then there was the day that  it was over 95 degrees. I was staying with my aunt and cousins, and my aunt took us swimming. When we got home, I was still hot, so my aunt filled a bathtub with cold water and ice cubes. My cousin and I took an ice cold bath! We each barely slipped a toe in and we were screaming with laughter! I can guarantee you that this time, we stayed cool for a very long time!

This summer, I look forward to spending time with my son. I mean quality time, when we turn off the TV and the video games and the DVD's. It pains me to hear of parents who dread the summer, because they do not know what to "do" with their kids. The parents sign their children up for every activity they can find, because they are sure that there will be dire consequences if their kids are bored for one second.

It also pains me to see parents never really having a conversation with their children. They speak to their kids like they are a family pet: "Sit. Stay. Eat. Come here!"

When I have made the time to actually have a conversation with my son, I have been rewarded richly. Jesus intuitively understands the wisdom and openness that children have. He says in this Scripture, "Let the little children come to me. . . ."

In one such conversation with my son, we were going for a walk. We noticed the clouds scudding across the sky, and I remarked how I thought it might rain. My son looked up at the vast heavens and said, "Mommy, why does God have to be so BIG?" The question startled me. Such a wise question from such a little guy. I said, 'Yes, God is as infinite as the Heavens. BUT God can be extremely small too!' My son asked, "How small?" I said, 'Well, He made ladybugs!' My son thought about it, then commanded, 'Smaller!' I said, 'How about a grain of sand? Or a cell? Or a molecule?'

I have woven God and Jesus into our everyday conversations. When he has misbehaved, I have asked him, "Is God pleased now?" If he gets a little disrespectful in his speech, I talk to him about honoring his mother and father. And I have talked to him frequently about how God sent him to us and what a gift he is.

I truly wish that some adults in my early life had spoken to me in this way. Now, I have so much catching up to do. Not only about how to pray, or making right choices. Not only about learning the Scriptures. But also regarding feeling natural and comfortable in talking about God. I do not want to get all preachy and turn my son off from God. But I do want to show him how God is a necessary, everyday, even vital part of our lives.

How to capture these moments of sheer magic in our conversations? It seems like I have to go for more walks with my son. Sit under a breezy tree. Lie in the grass with him and look up at the stars on a clear night. Sit on the porch, eating fruit ices and musing on what I pray about. Or how about telling my son at bedtime, not just, "Say your prayers"; but also telling him that I will pray for him if he confides in me that something worries him.

God, as I seek to know You, may I impart Your ways to all the little children in my life!

(c) The Spiritual Devotional 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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