Monday, December 2, 2013

Throw Off The Darkness

" For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at hand. Let us then throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us conduct ourselves properly as in the day, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and lust, not in rivalry and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the desires of the flesh." [ Romans 13: 11-14].

In this Scripture, Paul is speaking at a time after the death and Resurrection of Jesus. Paul tells his followers that their salvation is nearer than ever. This is because Jesus has already died and been resurrected, and ascended into heaven for us. And so, we are ever closer to the End  of Time, when Christ will come again.

We cannot know when the End of Time will come, when Christ will come to be among us again. But we are called to be ready anyway. This is why the Gospel for this week says, "Two men will be out in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. So, you must be prepared." [ Matthew 24: 37-44].

All of this sounds awfully apocalyptic to our modern ears. Who talks seriously like this today?

But, today's Christian life does still embody the call to be ready, always.

All of which leads us to the concept of freedom of choice. Going all the way back to the Old Testament, Moses explained to his people: " See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments.

 My own family mocked Christians, and especially Catholics, as gullible followers, who blindly follow the Rules. Their chief criticism was that "Christians cannot think for themselves". They had this misperception that Catholics are some kind of spiritual robots, who unquestioningly do what the Pope says.

Or, my family would cast judgment on Christians for being hypocritical, when they stumble over the Rules and fall, and yet still claim to be Christian.

I do not think that anyone could get away with the excuse that they do not know the Ten Commandments. Even a small child has heard of the Ten Commandments.

My parents DID know the Ten Commandments. They were raised in Christian families. They just refused to follow the Ten Commandments, and they mocked those who did.

Sometimes I wonder how I could possibly have become a Christian? Well,  I learned how to make all the right choices, precisely by watching all of my parents' awful mistakes.

My parents never hugged me or said, "I love you." From this deep hole in my heart, I learned to love everyone. I learned that Love is the greatest Commandment.

From my father's bigotry, I learned to "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

From my family's material greed, I learned not to covet what others had. The more they tried to
control my behavior with bribery, the more that money became irrelevant to me, and the more I hated any abusive wielding of power. I learned never to make false idols out of money or power.

My family's verbal abuse truly wounded my soul. From this, I learned that hate is murder. I speak gently always, and I try to radiate kindness.

I grew up believing that I am ugly and worthless, because of how I was treated. A dear friend explained to me that they told me lies. From this, I learned to detest falsehoods.

Out of my parents' dysfunctional marriage, came jealousy and rivalry. I became the battle ground. If my father drank, his behavior towards me became possessive and dangerous. I learned to avoid alcohol and jealousy, a potent and toxic brew.

I have come so far today! I am exiting the darkness, and reaching for the Light. This is hard work, harder than I ever imagined.

Paul tells us exactly how to reach for the Light, though. He tells us in Romans 13 to "put on the armor of Light, to put on the Lord Jesus Christ."

This does not mean only to try to emulate Him. It means to cloak ourselves in Him .

It also means to throw off the darkness. That is a very powerful image at this time of year..

It is Advent, after all! Light some candles on the Advent wreath. Light the Christmas tree.

But above all, put on the Armor of God: " Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in His mighty power. Put on the full Armor of God, so that you can take your stand against [the darkness]. [ Ephesians 6: 10-18].  We never battle alone!!

Vow to BE the light, to counter any darkness you meet with Light! The darkness can fight, but it can never win. . . .

(c) Spiritual Devotional 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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