Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hearing The Shepherd's Voice

 "It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple area, walking in Solomon's Colonnade. The Israelites gathered around Him, saying, 'How long will you keep us in suspense?'  If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.'
Jesus answered, 'I did tell you, but you do not believe.  . . You do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.' ".-- [John 10: 25-30].

In my house growing up, my family was told about Jesus, when we went to church for all those years, before my grandparents died. But my family did not believe. That became very apparent, after my last grandparent passed on, and we quit going to church.

Then, my family's anti- Christian rhetoric came out-- how Christians are the greatest sinners, the weak and the foolish. "Like sheep", my parents said. That is, followers, and NOT leaders and doers.

I look back at my parents' life; and I wonder WHY the clear message of God's Grace and of the loving protection of Jesus, fell on deaf ears?

My mother's grandmother sat in her easy chair and read her Bible daily. When she had made it all the way from Genesis to Revelation, she turned the pages back to the very beginning, and began reading all over again. When my mother came home from school to talk about her day, her grandmother encouraged her with, "Have faith."

My father's mother was Irish Catholic. She brought food to the folks who were starving during the Great Depression. She donated a Christmas gift to each child at the orphanage, every year.  She would never miss an opportunity to press a few dollars into the hand of a person who was struggling.

So, how could my parents have turned away from God?

Jesus answers this Himself: "I did tell you, but you do not believe."

Sometimes, the seeds fall upon rocky ground, or amongst thorns, and they bear no fruit. -[Mark 4: 1-9].

I think that today, in our modern times, we believe in Science and technology, more than we believe in God. So many of us have lost what it means to hear His voice. We read this Scripture in John as no more than metaphor, or even superstition.

HOW CAN we hear Jesus' voice?

When I was growing up, there was no Faith in my family, there was no God -- and therefore, there was no Love. As young as age five, I had to put myself down for naps, and find food. A sibling would hit me; and call me ugly every day. When I asked my family, "Don't you love me?" -- they would mock me for even asking.

As a young girl-- as girls often do-- I dreamed of whom I would marry. By the time I was a teen, I had it all figured out. He would have sandy hair, and wear tortoise rim glasses. His voice would be kind. He would be big-hearted and laugh easily. I imagined him wearing a Harris tweed jacket. I even had this "premonition" that his name would be Paul.

About a month before I met my future husband, I told my mother that I was not going to marry just anyone. We would have to be soul mates. My mother wept. She told me, "You are waiting for the impossible."

A month later, I met my future husband. He had sandy hair. His voice was kind. He laughed at my silly jokes. He was the most generous guy I had ever met. I said to him, "I thought you would be wearing tortoise rim glasses." He said,  "I was thinking of getting them, the next time I order new glasses."  I said, "I thought you would be wearing a Harris tweed jacket." He said, "I have one hanging in my closet, I didn't wear it today."

THEN I said, "I thought your name would be Paul." He looked at me strangely, then said, "Paul is my  Saint's name." We were speechless.

As we talked further, I had this odd feeling that I had known this man all my life -- and yet, we had just met!

 I felt confused.  I had shut down as a child in my family home. I had trained myself to show no emotion, I had largely stopped eating, I stayed awake for hours at night until I was sure everyone was asleep, I had taken a vow of silence. When I was 18, I was leaving an escape kit at a girlfriend's house, in case I had to leave home suddenly. I truly WAS lost. A baby lamb without a friend in the world.

I had no idea at the time that God sends people into our lives to model and embody His Love. What was this feeling that I had around this kind, gentle, good man, who was my future husband?--- Except Love. . .

God was calling me to a safer, much more loving and loved place. THIS was God's voice. He was showing me : THIS is Love. THAT is not. God was calling me into His realm of Love and Compassion. I was lost, and God was bringing me to Him, through Love.

Years later, I spoke to my church pastor. He explained to me that God DOES rescue his lost lambs. Often, God does this by sending another human being to love, as He does.

Maybe we don't pray often enough. Or spend time in Christian community. I wonder how often we receive God's insistent voice, but we don't hear Him? How often do we discount what we hear as coincidence? Or, futile longings for something Mighty and Eternal, that we fear does not even exist?

To hear the voice of the Good Shepherd -- of Jesus AND the Father, (since Jesus and the Father are One) -- seek the Love.

IF God calls you closer to Him, it is never for evil, always for the good. He wants us to pray, to talk to Him, to ask for guidance. IF He calls you, answer Him and draw nearer. The more we talk to Him, the more readily He answers.

IF God sends someone who gives unconditional Love-- patience, good humor, affection, hope, generosity, gentleness, peace, and zeal for all that is good-- this is God's Love, calling to you, through the medium of a fellow human being. Love that person back.

God is Love. Love is God. Love heals. God heals.

[Related Postings: "The Lost Shepherd", April 25, 2015; "The Good Pastor", July 14, 2012; "Where is My Flock?", April 29, 2012; "His Flock", May 16, 2011.]

(c) Spiritual Devotional 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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