"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me. " [John 14:1-12].
Have you ever longed for the keys to Life? A way to gain a sort of compass to tell you who you should be or how you should proceed?
Life can be very confusing. I have to say, I became very confused as a kid.
I heard adults, important adults, even my family, saying things like: "Money makes the world go 'round." Or, "The Almighty Dollar is more important than anything."
I heard, " I don't care what other people think! You need to think of yourself first."
I heard, "You do NOT give your money away to charity. 'Those people' need to learn to help themselves."
I heard, "People who go to church are hypocrites. Church is a waste of time and money. Only losers, who cannot accomplish anything on their own, need God."
I heard, "People who are Catholics are ignorant and gullible. They believe anything the Church tells them. They cannot think for themselves."
So I grew up with all this dissonance going on in my head. Even more confusingly, my parents (believe it or not), took me to church.
There, I heard, "Jesus loves me, this I know." And, "It is better to give than to receive."
In my church, there was a stunning stained glass window above the altar, with a representation of Jesus. His eyes seemed real to me and they seemed to stare at me with such glittering intensity, sometimes I had to look away. Painted on the rafter immediately above the altar , in gilt, were the words, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life."
I used to go only to God for with my problems. Only God. My sad childhood seemed to need Big Prayers. So I went directly to God, the Boss, the "Chairman of the Board". Somehow I thought my prayers to Him were stronger, more valuable.
I bypassed the Son of Man, the person in human form that God sent to us, to guide us and teach us. What a youthful mistake.
I am becoming closer to Jesus now. I love His words. I love the image of His tender love for us in the image of the Good Shepherd. I NEED to hear the Truth, about my life, about how to live.
I seek Life, not the death embedded in my family's teachings : the materialism, the selfishness, the judgment of others, the persecution, the lack of love.
Jesus, may I always seek You, and in You may I find the Truth, the Way to Your love and to the love of Your Father!
Thought provoking. Thank you!